About Journal

Rahpooye Hekmat-e Honar is a bi-monthly publication that uses anonymous double-edged judgment and publishes high-quality articles in the subject areas of the journal. Rahpooye Hekmat-e Honar is an open-access journal that publishes research articles.

Rahpooye Hekmat-e Honar with license number 88912 dated 07/19/1400, with the licensee of Soore University, and the responsible director of Mr. Dr. Mohammad Hossein Saei and the editor of Mr. Dr. Hassan Bolkhari, has been published so far in two numbers in electronic and printed form. Is.

Also, this publication has managed to receive the code of print shop 2980-812X and electronic shop 2980-8138.

This publication has now applied to receive a scientific degree from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and as soon as the license is obtained, its information will be posted on the site.